1 Can Help, PC Problem Solving & Training Services  

This page represents a list of services available commercially
that may be of interest to client IT decision makers. 
Please Click on the links below for details

Speechnotes - Google Speech to Text Website
This is a simply brilliant service, just talk to to your pc
and copy and paste the results into e-mails, Word, Notepad, etc

Google Translate
Will help you get the gist of documents and websites in other languages,
don't expect perfection and if legal or financial issues are involved
suggest getting a proper translation-
Google Translate is also available for Android devices
(tablets, phones, chrome books) and Apple devices, iPads, iPhones.

Batch Files for Backup

Classic Games



Date Backup of Removable Drives

e-mail: help@1canhelp.com

The opinions expressed are valid for the versions of the services at time of publishing, 21/2/20.

Please note goods and services
offered by companies listed on this page
are not under any from of control by this company
and are subject to change at any time without notice

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